Every day we get questions from our customers about our milk (and now our yoghurt) and we thought now was the time to write a blog answering some of the frequently asked questions.
What is Jersey Milk?
Jersey milk is milk that comes from purebred Jersey cows. Known for its creamy taste and texture, Jersey milk is a fan favourite among milk drinkers who love rich flavour.
Is Jersey milk good for you? Yes! Jersey cows produce milk that is pure, nutritious, and packed with health benefits. These are just some of the ways organic Jersey milk can support your health and well-being.
How is Jersey Milk Different?
When compared to other milks, Jersey milk comes out on top in a number of ways:
It has 20% more calcium compared to other cow breeds
Contains high levels of Vitamin D crucial for bone development
It has 18% more protein than other cow breeds
What is A2 Milk?
Milk is made up of 3-4% protein, and 80% of this protein is known as casein - a slow digesting protein commonly used as a health supplement. Casein protein comes in many forms, but the two most common are A1 and A2 beta-casein.
A2 milk is milk that contains only the A2 beta-casein protein. Cows that produce A2 milk have been specifically bred for this purpose
What Makes A2 Milk Different?
In reality, the only difference between A1 and A2 is how our bodies break down the amino acids histidine and proline differently, and how this can have negative effects on our stomach and digestive system.
When we break down A1 protein, the histidine amino acid, our bodies create a peptide called BCM-7 as a result. This peptide has been shown to affect gut movements and inflammation in animals, but so far no study has conclusively found these results to be replicated in humans.
What Does Single-Source Mean?
You may have seen the words single-source on our website on in a social media post and wondered what this means.
Single source means that our products only consist of milk from our cows. Some of the major brands you find in a supermarket fridge are made by combining many different milks from different cows from different parts of New Zealand.
Many consumers prefer single source as they can feel confident knowing exactly where their milk is coming from and how it has been produced and the cows raised and cared for.
What Does Farm Fresh Mean?
Similar to single source, we often refer to our milk as farm fresh, or sometimes as ‘farm to table’.
We bottle all our milk onsite and many of our deliveries are made straight to the supermarket or store where you make your purchase. In this way we can better control the supply chain, so you can feel confident in the quality of the milk you take home.
What Does Organic Mean? How is it Different?
Organic milk is about more than just a label. Organic dairy products have to align with strict standards and regulations to ensure that they are free from chemicals and additives.
When you choose organic milk, you’re choosing a product that keeps things as natural as possible. Organic milk is produced by healthy cows raised in pesticide-free pastures with no added hormones or antibiotic treatments.
You can find out more about what it means to be organic certified here.
What Does Non-Homogenised Mean?
The process of homogenisation involves breaking up the fat droplets to smaller sizes so that they do not separate from the rest of the milk. This results in a more 'uniform' milk. Because we only pasteurise, our milk body and cream separate, leaving the cream to rise to the top. This is completely natural and, we believe, the only way to enjoy milk.
By making this choice, we ensure that the milk you receive is the same milk we get from our herd.
What Do You Feed Your Cows?
Our beloved Jersey herd grazes on organic pastures, although at times their diet is supplemented with hay, silage and maize cut from our paddocks, depending on the weather.
What Does A2 Jersey Milk Taste Like?
Our Jersey herd produces creamy, full-bodied A2 milk that is naturally high in cream and fat - resulting in a truly unique taste that you can't beat. In fact, others can't beat it either - we've collected over half a dozen awards that attest to the quality and flavour you can expect in every mouthful.
How Long Does Your Milk Last?
It's always recommended you use the best before date printed on your bottle as a guide, but our milk will remain good for 16 days from the date of pasteurisation.
Do You Make Any Other Products?
Yes! We recently launched an natural organic A2 yoghurt that is available at our farmers markets locations (but will be launched to select supermarkets and grocers very soon!)
Where Can I Buy Your Milk?
You can find your nearest stockist here using our interactive map or by scrolling through a list of locations divided by location.
Did We Miss Anything?
Got a question we didn’t answer? You can email us at hello@jerseygirlorganics.co.nz and we’ll be happy to help!